Desert Financial Credit Union

Case Study

Desert Financial Credit Union is a credit union based in Phoenix, Arizona, that operates 48 branches and service centers throughout Gila, Maricopa, and Pinal counties and now statewide in Arizona. They create a banking experience that's straightforward and tailored to your needs. Desert Financial Credit Union is looking to add a feature to their mobile app to attract the millennial users. 
At Desert Financial, their financial experts, helpers and givers committed to their members, their community and their team. It’s their passion to create exceptional experiences by giving back and providing excellent financial solutions that make lives better. At Desert Financial, they believe in sharing success — simply because it’s the right thing to do



  • UX/UI designer

  • UX Researcher


  • Figma


  • Google doc


  • Desert Financial Credit Union


  • Feature needs to stay within the existing brand

  • Design will follow the flow and feel of the original app

High-Level Design Goals and Objectives

  • Desert Financial Credit Union is currently evolving their mobile app to help better their members' banking experience.

  • Users should be able to use this mobile app to fit their needs and get the most out of how they chose to bank and save money.

  • Add a new savings vault feature to Desert Financial Credit Union’s mobile app


The Process


Understand the problems user’s have with saving. Find what methods they use to help them save and how their current bank fits in with their savings habits.


Use research to understand and establish the problem while going over what would be needed for the feature.


Putting everything together to find the solution.


Try the solution with users and refine based on results.



During the research process I really wanted to focus on individual saving habits and who has the most problems saving. I interviewed users of all ages to find out about their views on saving and if they considered saving easy or difficult. Then I reviewed companies that offer this type of savings feature to discover how they have solved the problem.

  • Research Goals:

    Define any audiences that may be utilizing the platform.

    Discover features offered by competitors 

    Learn what customers' expectations are in the banking area. 

    Learn how people track their expenses and budget their money. How does that affect their ability to save? 


    Secondary research - Review trends for similar apps 

    Competitive analysis - Research other competitive apps/websites for features offered and user flows 

    Surveys and interview - Answer what features are most desired and what is needed/wished for by potential users. 


    Adults who are wanting to better their savings habits. They will be people of various incomes and backgrounds. 


    Secondary research  

    Competitive analysis 



    I started with reviewing different types of financial apps from money sharing apps to investment apps. I looked for growing trends and reviewed articles on what type of services and programs users look for when picking a bank or credit union. Then after that I conducted the surveys to get a deeper dive into how people think about their finances and what type of services they deem more important. Based on those results I will determine if interviews will be necessary for any unanswered questions I might have to really define the problem.  

  • It is said to have a minimum of 4 months worth of bills to a year’s worth of your salary saved up either in your savings or in other forms like stocks. While the millennial generation does have a good idea of the concept of saving, with around 70% actively saving, the majority of those millennials don't actually have anywhere near the amount they should have.  Millennials have had less time to save than older generations, they have also had to cope with significant financial stress. The reality is that this generation has faced a lot of financial setbacks and challenges, including massive amounts of student loan debt and the Great Recession right when many were entering the workforce. The oldest millennials, who are turning 40, graduated into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Millennials have needed to learn financial resilience because they have largely been debt-burdened throughout their adult lives.

  • I conducted this survey with 30 participants. The majority of the participants were between the ages of 25-59. From this survey I found that most of my participants rely on their bank to help them track their expenses with the majority using an app. While some organize their finances by reviewing multiple bank accounts others like to visualize their budget with mental or physical lists. I found that over half of the participants are currently putting money aside for multiple reasons with half thinking that saving is difficult. The vast majority use multiple accounts to help them save with a few people mentioning that they do so because they like to remove the temptation to help them budget. 

    When it comes to their banks, even though the majority of people rely on their banks to help them save and budget, most don't actually like their banking experience or think that their bank helps with the savings process. The only thing they really like about their banks is that they are able to do most things online and with the app. The only features mentioned that they like besides the app was the round up feature and money back programs. 

    What that all tells me is that people are wanting their bank to help them save. From my competitor analysis research I found that most banks do have a feature to help people save but my surveys are telling me that people don't know those features are there. That places value on making sure my feature stands out and is accessible in places that users are already spending their time in. With people preferring to budget and stay organized with lists that tell me this is the right feature and places an importance on making sure they can separate their goals and block out funds meant for future expenses. Also since the only features mentioned were the round up feature and the money back programs that tells me that those are features that users are going to be expecting and should be in the design as well.


Survey Result Examples

Competitive Analysis Findings

When looking at competitors I was able to pick up on a few features that they all had in common.

  • Customizable with the ability to personalize.

  • Had users define the goal.

  • Visually appealing layout with visual breakdowns and options to see remaining balance while hiding funds.

  • Round up features built into the creation process, a feature which automatically rounds up your purchases and puts them in a vault.

I felt that three out of the five that I reviewed had the better UI design that was pretty simple and straight to the point. The other two I felt were a little busy and kind of confusing to get to the main vault page. However, once starting the process of creating a vault the flows were all very similar.


UX Research Results

What my research tells me is that people are wanting their bank to help them save. From my competitor analysis research I found that most banks do have a feature to help people save but my surveys are telling me that people don't know those features are there. That places value on making sure my feature stands out and is accessible in places that users are already spending their time in. With people preferring to budget and stay organized with lists that tell me this is the right feature and places an importance on making sure they can separate their goals and block out funds meant for future expenses. Also since the only features mentioned were the round up feature and the money back programs that tells me that those are features that users are going to be expecting and should be in the design as well.



Based on my research I came up with a persona who had a regular job with average to below average pay. The persona needs to be the type of person that is subject to temptation but also responsible enough to know how to reach personal goals.


Problem Statement

David is a first time home owner looking to save for a big house remodel project. He is worried that temptations will prevent him from saving what he needs to complete the project


Site Map

I first went through the original app making note of the features currently added. I then started to think about where I could include my feature. Since the problem is around saving the “Savings Account” screen seemed to be the most intuitive place for this feature.

Navigation menue:

  • Accounts - including all of the individual members personal savings accounts

  • Transfers - split into two sections showing the activity and the actual transfer function its self

  • Deposit check - split into two sections showing the history and the actual deposit function its self

  • Bill pay

  • More - a location to house all the addition banking features that are not used regularly


User Flow

I spent time thinking about the user flows that the original app is currently using. I used that for my guidelines to create the main user flows for this added vault feature. Below you will find the user flow for creating a vault, adding funds to a vault, and scheduling a payment. I noticed while reviewing the original app that they have some of those flows already. I designed how that would reflect in these specific flows. I went over this process a few times perfecting it each time making sure to include all user actions and took into consideration outside input. This process helped me to figure out the main screens needed for this feature.


For the design I first pulled all of the UI elements from the Desert Financial Credit union app. I then went over my flow to figure out what things I would need to make my feature work. I started with a UI document listing out the features and how they would interact.


UI Kit

Since Desert Financial Credit Union already has a brand I took the time to define the design and found the color palette, typography, UI elements and logo. I have displayed how the feature will fit in the savings account showing the header of the members savings account. I added the vault icon that will be used to represent the feature and any additional icons needed for the feature.

  • Feature Design Screens:


    Create Vault

    Vault transactions

    Vault details (accessed from vault transactions screen) 


    Choose To Account  (part of transfer process)

    Choose Amount (part of transfer process)

    Transfer confirmation (part of transfer process)

    Activity (accessed from transfer screen)

    The Vaults screen will be the main screen for feature. Upon entering the vaults screen I wanted to make sure that the user is welcomed with a message providing an explanation of the vaults feature. On that screen you will find a button to create a vault along with all previously created vaults after creation. On the Create Vault screen the user will need to provide a vault name in order to create the vault by pressing the “Create a vault button”. A goal amount, image and setting a goal date will be optional along with locking a vault, and rounding up transaction. Vault Transactions is the main screen when you are entering into individual vault. Here the user can schedule automatic payments. They will see a Progress bar if a goal amount was applied and a list of their transactions. If the user wants to change any previous setting they can go to the Edit Vault screen. there they will have the ability to edit name, goal date, goal amount, lock vault and turn on/off Round Up feature. Any of the screens needing for making a transaction will follow the original design with adding in the option to transfer into the vault of the users choice.

DFCU UI Kit.png

Low Fidelity Wireframes

I carefully went over my UI requirements document and the user flows to come up with these wireframes. I first reviewed the app so I could make sure to match the brand.


High Fidelity Wireframes

After going over my research and studying the current app I fit my feature into the app the best way possible. I designed the feature into the savings account. Included are the pages required to create the user flows mapped out in the define phase keeping with the original brand as well as the feature it’s self.


  • For user testing I thought it was important to do in person tests to be able to observe how the user interacted with the feature. I wanted to discover if there is any pain points of the feature that needed adjustments to discover possible improvements. I needed to know if a user was able to discover the feature and know how to use it.

    Test Objective:

    To view users interaction with the mobile app

    To discover any pain points that a user might have or experience while using the app

    Identify areas of improvement.

    Test Subject:

    Prototype of the Desert Financial Credit Union mobile app 


    In person testing : Users on their personal phone testing a Figma prototype 


    Age range : 25-40

    Amount of participants : 3-5

    Participants will be users who actively use their personal banking apps.


    Personal network 

    Recruiting of previous participants

    Usability goal:

    Someone using the app will be able to clearly access the feature. 

    New users will understand the feature and are able to fully use it.

    Procedure script:

    Hello, my name is Gillian. I have created a feature for the Desert Financial Credit Union mobile app. This feature is an addition to the savings account to help improve users' savings habits.  I will ask you to perform a few tasks. While you perform those tastes I will be observing and taking notes. Please feel free to express any emotions and share your thoughts as you go. Do you have any questions?


    You and your friends want to take a trip to Hawaii. You are excited to go but need to make sure you can save enough money in time to go. How do you think your Desert Financial Credit Union savings account will help you save? 


    Create Vault task:

    Create a vault for your upcoming trip to Hawaii including a beach themed image, $2,000 goal amount and a goal date of august 1st 2021. 

    Transaction task:

    Add funds in the amount of $1,000 from your checking account to the Hawaii Trip vault.

    Edit Vault task:

    Go back into the Hawaii vault and edit it to turn on the lock vault feature. 

    Transaction task:

    Create a vault for your kitchen remodel and only give it a name.

    Make a transfer from your savings account to your Kitchen Remodel vault in the amount of $1,000 


    How much money do you have left in your savings account?

    What is a vault?

    How will the round up feature help reach your goal?

    What does it mean to lock a vault?

    True or false. You can schedule an automatic payment to a vault. 

    True or false. You must have a goal amount and date in mind to create a vault.

    Is there anything else you would like to add about this feature?

Usability Test Findings 

I did usability testing on three participants all of which were very familiar with mobile banking apps. I tested them in person while using the prototype on their phone. Each test lasted about 5-10min. I found that my users were able to navigate the app fairly easily. Two out of the three participants were able to go through all the tasks very quickly while one took their time to review everything. They all had a good understanding of how the vault app worked and the additional features that went with it.  They were all able to visually find everything quickly and noticed all the details to complete each task. Two out of the three users were more inclined to use the icons provided on the accounts screen while one tended to lean toward the navigation bar. However all participants were easily able to find the vault icons and had no problem creating a vault. Two out of the three users did feel the need to scroll up and down a few times when going through the tasks. It could have been because the users were exploring a new platform or because of confusion with the layout. I did also find that two out of the three users didn't fully recall the round up feature. They seemed to know what it was (potentially from using similar apps) but did have to think about how they remembered it in the prototype.

DFCU_Affinity Map.png


In the Research phase the key element that played a big role in the design was completive analysis. Seeing how competitors solved the problem really helped me to define the problem as well. While in the Define phase finding the user flows was important to know how the design would work with in the existing app. The user flow contributed to knowing what was needed to make the feature work. A challenge I experienced was trying to add this feature in the most user friendly way while keeping the original brand. Next steps in this process would be to test more users to get more of an idea about if the layout could be improved and also to see if the introduction of the added features need to be redesigned to stand out more.